Small Business Adventures in Homeschooling

The Review Crew is talking about small business adventures this week, which is a topic near and dear to my heart. Our family’s small business is the reason I was able to leave my full time job and become a homeschooling mom. For the last 6 years, our small business has allowed my husband to work from home and spend more time with our family.

In addition to the small business that pays our bills, my children have run several small businesses of their own. They have sold fresh eggs from our chickens, homemade head bands, mowed lawns, and more to earn spending money and begin saving for a car and college expenses.

I have found that in addition to allowing them to have more spending money, small businesses are a great way for children to learn money management, math skills, responsibility, and other valuable life lessons. Often, they do not see the job as school, but it is some of the most educational time they spend in a day. It helps to prepare them for adulthood in ways a textbook never will.

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of speaking with my friend Shannon at The Stay at Home Family about how we helped our kids start a business. I hope that this interview is helpful in seeing the benefits of a small business and getting your child started in their own small business.

I would love to hear more about any small businesses that you or your children run. Share them in the comments or let me know what resources would be helpful for using a small business as a part of your homeschool. Check out the Review Crew blog to see what other Crew members wrote about their small business adventures.

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