2021 Reading Goals: Non-Fiction

My goal for 2021 is to read at least 52 books and have that be a good mix of fiction and non-fiction. Last week I shared some of the fun fiction books that I read in 2020 or plan to read in 2021. Today I want to share some of the non-fiction books that I loved from 2020 and a few that are on my list for 2021.

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  • Awaking Wonder is a homeschooling book written by one of my favorite authors, Sally Clarkson. It is not a book that recommends certain curriculum or exact procedures. Rather it is a book that shares how Sally and her husband sought to inspire and nurture their children through a wonder filled life.
  • Dumbing Us Down John Gatto is a book I had been hearing about but never got around to reading. It discusses the problems with public education and why home education is a great alternative. I have decided this is going to be one of the first books I purchase this year.
  • Lessons at Blackberry Inn is the sequel to Pocketful of Pinecones. I have also had this one on my list for awhile, but it was out of print and thus very expensive. However, I found this second edition which was much more economical. This book and Pocketful of Pinecones are written in story format for a fun easy read but they include lots of tips and ideas for Charlotte Mason style homeschooling and Mother Culture.
  • Sensibility and Education is not a book I would have picked out on my own. It was written by Haruko Katoaka and was recommended to me because my children are taking Suzuki music lessons.
  • Better Together is a great book by Pam Barnhill that helps parents create and incorporate a ‘morning time’ into their homeschooling day. If you have been struggling to make morning time work, or you are searching for a way to bring your children together to learn, this book is a great resource.

Christian Life

  • Mama Bear Apologetics by Hillary Morgan Ferrer, equips moms to share their biblical beliefs with their children and help teach their children to be able to see through popular cultural lies. In a world that feels increasingly resistant to Christian principals I think it is vital that our children have a good foundation. While we already share our beliefs and train our children in biblical truth, I am looking forward to more ideas geared towards helping them see the lies and half-truths of popular culture.
  • Life Together will be the first book I have read by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I have read several books about his life and service and greatly admire him. Therefore, I am excited to be reading one of his books. This book is written about his time in an underground seminary during the time of Nazi power in Germany. The book is designed to encourage and help people build real Christian fellowship.
  • Walk it Out is written by Tricia Goyer. I have read several of her other books and I am excited to read this one. The purpose of this book is to help women actually ‘walk out’ the mandates of scripture. The book helps women look beyond what is easy and safe and focus on God’s plans for our lives.


  • Will They Stand is a new book by Ken Ham that shares a message about raising strong believers and helping the next generation face cultural adversity.  I am looking forward to the chance to read this one.
  • Parenting Beyond the Rules is a great book for parents of teens or those looking forward to the teen years. Connie Albers does a great job sharing ways to help develop a strong relationship with your teenage children. I have a 14-year-old son and a daughter who just turned 13, so I am soaking up all the wisdom I can for these exciting but challenging teen years.

Biographies and Government

  • The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas are Setting Up a Generation for Failure, is a book that calls out both the ‘left’ and the ‘right’ for how our society has started shutting out real discussion and trying to criminalize differing ideas. I am currently reading this and so far I highly recommend it. I don’t necessarily agree with all of their conclusions but I think they have some really important truths for such a time as this.
  • My Grandfather’s Son is a memoir and autobiography about Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.  I am trying to start adding in a few biographies both for my continued learning and because my son loves to read biographies.
  • In the Land of the Blue Burqas tells the story of Kate McCord (Pseudonym) and her time sharing Christ in Afghanistan over the course of five years. I am looking forward to learning more and getting a more personal account of this missionary and what it was like to share the gospel in a place that is so hostile to the gospel. I expect it will be a difficult book in some ways, but also a book that will grow and stretch me.

Those are just a few of the non-fiction books that I hope to read this year as I work my way towards a goal of 52 books. I would love to hear what books you are enjoying or if you have any reading goals for 2021. Be sure to check out the reading goals of the other Review Crew members here.

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6 thoughts on “2021 Reading Goals: Non-Fiction

  1. I listened to “Life Together” this past year and found it very thought provoking. I bought the physical book after I finished listening because I wanted to take notes! I love your list and might add some to my own from yours!


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