Our 2020 Homeschool Goals

I enjoy setting goals and planning, but if I am being honest, I really have not taken the time to do as much goal setting as I normally would for a new school year. Everything has felt so up in the air since March that I haven’t really felt like I had everything together. However, with the Review Crew talking about goals this week, I thought it would be good to at least set some general goals for our homeschool year.

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As I sat down to think, the first thing that came to mind was having more consistency with my first grader. As a young child he learns so much through play and day to day life, but I also feel that he has reached a point where he needs some consistent focused academic time each day as well. It is easy for him to get pushed to the back burner by the demands of my older children, but I plan to work hard to make sure he has some consistent academic attention this year.

2020 goals pinterest

Strengthening our family relationships was the second goal that came to mind. In many ways we already have strong family relationships, but I want to continue to build on those. The children struggle with competing with one another and bickering about chores and such. We want to continue to work and grow in those areas. One of the ways that we work on those relationships are through shared read alouds and morning time where they are learning together. I also want to be sure I make time for family games and activities.  I have noticed that my oldest two are really bonding over their shared interest in music and I want to make sure I encourage them and give them time to practice together.

Finally, my oldest is starting his first year of high school this year. It feels like just yesterday that he in first grade and we were just starting this homeschool journey.  As we finish his homeschool journey over the next four years my biggest goals for him are to help him strengthen his faith and understanding, to give him a solid foundation and worldview, and to make sure he is prepared for adulthood. He is a christian and is well on his way to being prepared, but my husband and I want to make sure we are making a conscious effort to help he be prepared for whatever the world may throw at him. To this end we are involving him in more conversations politically, having him take an apologetics course, and overall just making sure that we are giving him the tools he needs to be a christian and a productive citizen in a fallen world.

Over the next few weeks I will be discussing goals with my children. They will set personal goals for academics as we as other areas of their lives such as physical fitness and spiritual growth. The goals that I created for our homeschool and their personal goals will help guide our year. Do you make goals for your homeschool?

Make sure to hop on over and check out all of the other fun posts here.

This post may contain affiliate or referral links, including Amazon affiliate links. As always I will never recommend a product that I don’t believe in and you will never be charged more for purchasing through our links. It does help pay for the costs associated with the blog.

Deals and Freebies

TODAY is the LAST Day for this great Gardening Bundle Sale!!

SchoolhouseTeachers.com is doing an amazing sale this month! Buy One year get One Year FREE! We use this for several of our courses and one price covers all the students in your home for as many of their over 400 courses and you would like to use.

Free Makeover Your Morning 5 Day Challenge! This is a great way to help re-focus and get your day off on the right foot.

August 31st is the LAST day to sign up for the Journey Homeschool Academy Science Courses! If you want more information click on the link above or check out Journey Homeschool Academy High School Biology Review

Starting August 31st all of Evan Moor’s Daily Practice titles will be on sale 20% off!

Free Help Your Child’s Memory Book from All About Learning Press!


5 thoughts on “Our 2020 Homeschool Goals

  1. I understand what you mean about being a bit more structured as our children get older. My youngest son will be in 2nd grade and even though I love the time he and his sister spend together cooperating, exploring, etc, I know he needs a bit more homeschooling structured time.


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