Jelly Fish, Jello, and Jesus : Letter J Preschool Activities and Printable!


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You might think ice cream is a summer time treat, but we sure enjoyed ours in November too. Benjamin loved making and eating his own little baggie of ice cream to finish up our study of the letter I. He spent quite a bit of time practicing tracing and writing his letters in his dry erase book this week. He enjoys sitting and working on that while I work with the ‘big kids’ on their school work.


I am excited to include some extra Bible time this week with our letter studies. The letter J lends itself well to a focus on Jonah and more importantly Jesus. We have several children’s Bibles (including this interactive one Planet 316 Story Bible ) that we often read from and I will just include a bit more of that and some conversations focusing on Jesus as well as Jonah. We have the DVD for Sight and Sound Theater’s Jonah production that we have waited to watch so I’m hoping to fit that in as a family movie night in conjunction with our letter J studies.


Jets and airplanes are fascinating to many children and are a fun topic of study. There are tons of great books and movies on jets, including several free ones on Amazon Prime. We also have a one that we should be able to stop by and see one day this week that is on display at a local park.

For nature study this week we are going to talk about jelly fish. My son loves the water and has seen many jelly fish, so they should be a fun topic for him even though we will not be able to actually see any live ones this week. We can use this live cam of jelly fish and try this fun jelly fish craft. We can also read Jenny Jellyfish by Suzanne Tate. If you are not familiar with her books, I highly recommend them. They are lots of fun.

In addition to the fun activities focused around letter J we will of course work directly with the letter. This letter J craft ties into our jelly fish study. We will also work on making the letter J both with fun materials (like Play Doh or shaving cream) and writing them in his dry erase book. Unless I have found a unique activity that I think he will really enjoy I normally find it works best to give him a variety of choices and let him pick which one interests him that day. This keeps him engaged throughout the week.

I hope this post gives you some ideas to get started with the letter J. Please share your ideas for letter J in the comments below!

Snack Ideas:

Jelly Beans




Jumbo Shrimp


Extra Resources:

Letter J Upper Case Craft Freebie

Letter j Lower Case Craft Freebie

Optional Activities:

Nature Study: Jelly Fish, Jungles

Jesus (of course we regularly study and read the Bible but this will be a great week to give it a little extra focus)

Jonah (We have a copy of this production by Sight and Sound that I’m hoping to make time to watch this weekend.)

Jars (We keep lots of jars for canning and storing and I think he would enjoy having some creative play using the jars to maybe fill and pour or even decorate.)

Jets (most children find jets to be quite interesting and there are many neat videos and books on them.)


Don’t forget to download your free letter J sensory bin printable.


Resource Library and Affiliate Disclosure

When you sign up for the Schoolin’ Swag free resource library you will get a link and password to the library, we are adding to the library each month with new items. You will also get a bi-weekly newsletter email to keep you up to date on what we have going on.

Resource Library 

This post may contain affiliate or referral links, including Amazon affiliate links. As always I will never recommend a product that I don’t believe in and you will never be charged more for purchasing through our links. It does help pay for the costs associated with the blog.

Deals and Freebies!


FREE Fall in Love with Science e-book from Apologia

The World of Peter Rabbit and His Friends Only .99 on Kindle! We love Beatrix Potter’s stories and this one includes her original illustrations.

Sunny Under the Sea  Free (always double check because Amazon changes prices regularly!)

Wind in the Willows on Audio for only $2.95

Alice in Wonderland on Audible for less than $1!!

FREE: Check out this great new FREE resource for classical and Charlotte Mason education! Classical Christian Education & Charlotte Mason. Great for folks already homeschooling or if you have friends that are looking into it!

FREE Fantasy and Fairytales StoryBuilders from Write Shop!

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